How much does each course cost?

Chosen course Price in USD
Full learning journey (includes all three patient types) 1200
Patient types Amari - The implant patient 900
  Josy - The perio patient 400
  Lee - The peri-implantitis patient 260
Indication groups Group 1-11 Between 72 - 264 

What payment options are available?

You can pay your educational content with your credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Amex, Disocver).

How can I access my purchased educational content?

All your e-learning modules are immediately accessible on your account of the learning platform after your payment. Log in to start your learning journey right away.

How long is the purchased educational content available on the platform?

Your courses will be accessible for one year - regardless of their completion status.

How do I receive my personal Geistlich vLab® workshop kits?

If your purchased package contains Geistlich vLab® workshop kits, they will automatically be sent to your home address. Please note that the delivery will take up to 6 weeks.

What happens if I do not receive the Geistlich vLab® workshop kits?

If 35 work days since your purchase have passed and you still did not receive your Geistlich vLab® workshop kits, please reach out to your local Geistlich dealer or contact us here.

Will I receive continuing education credits?

It depends. We offer a certificate of completion stating the numbers of hours in continuing education which can then be converted into CE-credits, depending on your national/local regulations of the continuing education organization. The amount of continuing education hours depends on the chosen course (see next question); one hour of education equals 60 min of online learning.

How many continuing education hours do I receive per course?

Chosen course Amount of CE hours
Full learning journey (includes all three patient types) 26.6 hours
Patient types Amari - The implant patient 15.5 hours
  Josy - The perio patient 8.3 hours
  Lee - The peri-implantitis patient 4.2 hours
Indication groups Group 1-11 1.0 - 3.9 hours

I do not see any images (logos, visuals, etc) on my dashboard, nor can I start my course (just empty grey screen). What do I need to do?

This may depend on your browser settings. Make sure that the URL in your browser's address bar contains https:// and not just http://. If the s is missing, please insert it directly into the address bar:

Is your question still open or would you like to share your feedback with us?

We are happy to help you! You can contact us here.